This package was Built from scratch, entirely in Julia Lang, and implements a few popular clustering algorithms like K-Means and DBSCAN.
This is mostly a learning experiment, but the package were also built and documented to be used by anyone, Plug-and-Play. Just input your data as an Array or a Tables.jl type (like DataFrames.jl), then start training your clusters algorithms and analyze your results.
Algorithms Implemented
Currently we implemented two types of algorithms, a partitioned based (K-Means) and a spatial density based (DBSCAN).
Go check the
Section that contains all the details of how it works the algorithm and also got the bibliography and papers used during the research and development of the code.
It's a great introduction to the algorithm and a good resource to read along with the source code.
How to install ClusterAnalysis.jl
# press ] to enter in Pkg REPL mode.
pkg> add ClusterAnalysis
A quick example
using ClusterAnalysis, DataFrames, CSV
# load blob dataset from repo in github
df ="algo_overview/blob_data.csv", DataFrame, drop=[1]);
X = df[:,1:2];
y = df[:,end];
# parameters of k-means
ϵ = 0.35;
min_pts = 10;
# executing DBSCAN
m = dbscan(X, ϵ, min_pts);
# plot
scatter(X[:,1], X[:,2], zcolor=m.labels,
title="DBSCAN prediction\n(ϵ=$(ϵ), minPts=$(min_pts))")